The colonists are drawn there in search of a better life as well as vast mineral resources that are said to be on the planet, free for the taking. The stories of this wealth has sparked renewed interest in Pandora, and corporations and treasure hunters have begun to return to the wastelands to try and claim the treasures of the Vault. In the distant future of the year 2864, several colonization ships head to a planet on the edge of the galaxy: Pandora. The only problem is that the people who discovered the Vault were completely wiped out by some sort of protective force, with the only evidence of their discovery being a scattered radio transmission, proclaiming the Vault's majesty, but not its location. We become attractive to others when we behave well, we assist them, we make relevant social changes. Our actions define who we actually are If we are kind and generous, honest and sincere, proactive and helpful, we are likeable and affable. This Vault is said to contain vast stores of alien technology and secrets. Handsome is as handsome does is an apt statement. A beacon of hope for the remaining colonists emerges in the form of a mysterious alien Vault carved in the side of a mountain. After seven Earth years, the planet's slow orbit brings a transition from winter to spring, and many dangerous, horrifying creatures begin to emerge from hibernation, making Pandora even more dangerous. Some of the settlers seek to get rich quick by discovering alien technology, most others are just trying to survive. Handsome jack Owner of Hyperion who also wears a mask over his deformed ass face, and has a sentient horse made of diamonds. When the companies mining the planet leave, they let loose the criminals they had employed as forced labor and left any other colonists there.
The colonists are drawn there in search of a better life as well as vast mineral resources that are said to be on the planet, free for the. Why does it look like handsome jack is wearing mask Bonez90 9 years ago 1 I thought it was just his character model or something but now that when i see him, it looks like a mask is clamping onto his face from 3 sides. Some time after settling, the colonists discover that the planet offers little aside from decrepit alien ruins. In the distant future of the year 2864, several colonization ships head to a planet on the edge of the galaxy: Pandora. After his face was scarred and disfigured thanks to the hero known as Lilith, Jack then grafted a mask to his face, wanting to still appear perfect and 'handsome.' He then became the main antagonist of Borderlands 2. The colonists are drawn there in search of a better life as well as vast mineral resources that are said to be on the planet, free for the taking. In the Borderlands series, Handsome Jack took over the Hyperion Corporation, becoming the de facto ruler of the planet Pandora. In the distant future of the year 2864, several colonization ships head to a planet on the edge of the galaxy: Pandora. If you've already purchased Borderlands 2, The Pre-Sequel and all their DLC on a last-gen console, The Handsome Collection won't offer you much beyond a prettier face and enhanced local co-op.